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SevernWoods Blog

Unlock our best resources for luxury custom home building and whole home renovations in Toronto's finest neighbourhoods.

How to Build Minimal Design Features into your Toronto Custom Home

What is Minimal Style? Minimalism in the home is becoming an increasingly desirable trend even for...

What Fit & Finish Means for Your Luxury Home Renovation

What Is “Fit and Finish”? If you’ve ever read housing blogs, watched remodeling shows, or...

How Load Bearing Walls Can Affect your Toronto Home Renovation

There’s nothing like walking into an older home and reimagining the possibilities. For most modern...

Renovate or Demolish and Rebuild? Which is Better in Toronto?

If you live in an older home, you’ve likely asked yourself whether it makes more sense to do a gut...

Biophilic Home Design: Toronto Home Builders Go Green

Biophilic design is working its way into architecture and design in homes all over the city of...

How Trees Impact your Renovation or Home Addition in Toronto

One of the distinguishing characteristics that makes Toronto such a charming and magnificent city...

How to Fix Basement Moisture in Toronto's 100 Year Homes

Moisture in a basement is a common concern in older homes. When people think about basement water...

How Long Will My Toronto Home Renovation Take?

Answering the question “How long does a home renovation take to complete?” is a little bit like...

The Best 8 Summer Weekend Getaways Near Toronto

Do you want to get away from it all? Toronto may be one of the best cities in the world to live in,...

How We Build for the Future and Ontario Building Codes

The Ontario Building Code (OBC) is a set of defined standards that dictates how buildings in...