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SevernWoods Blog

Unlock our best resources for luxury custom home building and whole home renovations in Toronto's finest neighbourhoods.

Transform Your Traditional Toronto House into a Desirable Modern Home

Simplicity is Sovereign The hallmark of a modern home is that it represents elevated simplicity....

10 Reasons Toronto’s Lytton Park is a Great Place to Live

Lytton Park is an exceptional location to call home. It has several different benefits ranging from...

The Top Social and Private Clubs to Join in Toronto

Toronto boasts some of Canada’s best private clubs, and they cater to nearly every interest group....

Best 6 Breweries In Old Toronto

Are you ready to have fun in Old Toronto? The best breweries in Old Toronto welcome you! Whether...

Most Common Types of Architecture in Toronto's Historic Neighbourhoods

Multicultural Influences in Toronto The city of Toronto has a long and rich history that is...

5 Facts that Make Rosedale a Desirable Toronto Neighbourhood

1. Rosedale Has a Rich History One of the most enchanting features of Rosedale is its rich history....